The I-GReta project concretely addresses the objective of the ERA-Net MICALL19 program regarding integrated energy storage solutions, at the same time responding to EU challenges related to the technical transformations of the energy system and in particular to Action 4 associated with the European Strategic Plan for Energy Technologies (ETIP- SNET Plan). Moreover, the project's objectives are related to the 2017-2026 innovation development strategy of the ETIP-SNET plan regarding the challenges and evolution of energy systems. The goal of the I-GReta project is to develop solutions for the operation of flexible energy systems that benefit from storage capacities. They will be able to integrate renewable energy resources into local networks by assessing the flexibility of demand as well as by effective control at microgrid/local energy community level, based on the optimization of electricity, heating and cooling energy consumption. The I-GReta solutions will be applied in 5 test infrastructures from 4 countries through a digital platform with FIWARE components. The (electrochemical) storage available in the prosumer network will be integrated into the optimized solution at the level of the local energy community.